Could your business benefit from up-skilling your staff?
We would like to invite you and your colleagues to join us at South Ribble Skills & Learning Event on Tuesday 6th March, which is part of National Apprenticeship Week (#NAW2018).
Advice: Come along and speak directly to people from over 20 different organisations who can advise you about up-skilling staff, training support in Lancashire, the qualifications available for apprenticeships, how to recruit an apprentice and how to manage them.
Recruitment: If you would like to recruit staff, our advisers will be happy to help and you can place a free advert on our ‘Jobs Board’ at the event, giving you the chance to reach potential applicants.
Apprenticeships are for anyone, any age from 16–76 years (& older) with qualifications up to degree level and beyond
Please join us at our drop-in event any time from 2pm—7pm at the Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland.