The International Trade Club are inviting manufacturing companies to join them for breakfast at the Dunkenhalgh on the 13th July for the next of their highly informative International Trade Club breakfast meetings aimed at East Lancashire’s manufacturing & exporting community .
Joining the confirmed line up of speakers will be Nathan Monshin from SI Risk who will highlight the necessary health and safety requirements a as well as the risk/duty of care obligations businesses must demonstrate towards their employees when they travel on business overseas. Helen Cowley from Cassons will discuss the current VAT rules covering the supply of goods to EU countries; evaluate the likely impact of Brexit and UK firms registering for VAT overseas if acting as an importer. Mike Nunnerley from SolX Energy Limited will demonstrate how LinkedIn helped them sell their refrigeration technology into ones of Australia’s largest Supermarkets. Stef Heywood from the Chamber will provide an update on the tailored ERDF support available to Lancashire businesses.
The International Trade Club is the oldest in the country and has a strong heritage built up over the past sixty in helping manufacturers in east Lancashire import and export. Membership benefits include quarterly meetings with access to specialist speakers and the opportunity to take part in the annual International Trade Awards. Any manufacturer wishing to connect with like-minded exporters and importers and join the country’s oldest International trade clubs should contact Marie White on 01254 356444 or email